The Bushboard Nuance™ range includes wall panels and worktops that can be co-ordinated or contrasted to create your perfect bathroom design. Whether you prefer bold abstract designs or subtle tones, there's something for everyone..
Shower and Wall Panels
- 11mm x 580mm x 2420mm radius 2 long edges
- 11mm x 1200mm x 2420mm radius 1 long edge, tongue on other long edge
- 11mm x 600mm x 2420mm tongue and groove
- 11mm x 1200mm x 2420mm tongue and groove
- 11mm x 160mm x 2420mm radius 1 long edge, tongue on other long edge (also doubles as a laminate worktop upstand)
Pricing: Price Group 1 is the least expensive. Please call for prices.
Nuance Designer Shower and Wall Panels
Sizes: as above except colours marked * only available in 11mm x 1200 x 2420 postformed or T&G
Sizes: as above except colours marked # available in 11mm x 1200 x 2420 or 11mm x 600 x 2420 postformed or T&G
Nuance Acrylic
Sizes: 4mm x 1220 x 2440 only
*Cararra Marble Slab is available in bookmatched panels A & B
Bathroom Laminate Worktops
Laminate worktop sizes:
- 28mm x 360mm x 3m
- 28mm x 600mm x 3m
- Upstand 11mm x 160mm x 2420mm with radius 1 long edge
Pricing: Price Group 1 is the least expensive. Please call for prices.